128 lies and counting…

Posted on June 27, 2013. Filed under: Uncategorized |

In the final week of the sitting parliament yesterday, Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry and Science, Mrs Sophie Mirabella advised the House of Representatives that in relation to the compensation claim of ex-CSIRO employee, Mr Martin Williams, which was vigorously defended by Comcare on the advice of the CSIRO, that CSIRO Officers had provided false testimony on no less than 128 occasions under oath when the matter went before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

It is not surprising that Deputy President, J W Constance stated that he preferred the evidence of Mr Williams.

The matter was subsequently decided in favour of the Applicant, Mr Williams, and Senior CSIRO Officers were chastised publicly for the unreliability of their evidence.

Despite these damning findings, Senior CSIRO Officers continue to mislead the Australian public in this and other matters.  In a response to Question on Notice AL156, and after having the matter “internally reviewed” by CSIRO’s then Acting General Counsel, the CSIRO deliberately and falsely misstated to the Senate Estimates Legislative Committee that:

“no CSIRO employee provided false evidence under oath during cross-examination in the AAT case involving Martin Williams”.

This is clearly false and the Minister needs to seek an immediate explanation from the CSIRO in relation to the matter.

This is not the first time that the CSIRO has been caught out misleading the Senate Estimates Economics Legislative Committee.  The Victims of CSIRO website is littered with dozens of similar examples in which the CSIRO Senior Executive have misled the senate on a range of matters including:

  • CSIRO CEO Dr Megan Clark’s direct knowledge of bullying allegations
  • The referral of bullying complaints back to the accused officer by Dr Clark herself.
  • The sacking of 100% of whistleblowers who made formal public interest disclosures
  • CSIRO’s knowledge of suicidal employees who had raised bullying allegations.
  • CSIRO Deputy CEO (Operations), Mr Mike Whelan’s statements that CSIRO had commenced legal action against the ‘Victims of CSIRO’ website
  • CSIRO Deputy CEO (Operations), Mr Mike Whelan allegations that the ‘Victims of CSIRO’ website had engaged in unlawful acts in attempting to intimidate witnesses in Federal Court proceedings.
  • The CSIRO’s knowledge of allegations of corruption made in relation to its own senior officers,

and so on it goes……

Let us not forget that it was Dr Clark herself who championed the revised CSIRO Code of Conduct and much derided “Values Compass” and publicly lauded its benefits but who now appears to be one of the most consistent violators of all it espouses!

The statement of Shadow Minister, Mrs Sophie Mirabella in the House of Representatives can be viewed below:

I am also reminded of the government’s stubborn unwillingness to bring the CSIRO to account for a series of inaccurate and misleading statements that have been made to the Senate estimates committees, including the recent incomprehensible answer to question AL156 which says that no CSIRO employee provided false evidence under oath during cross-examination in the AAT case involving Martin Williams, when an analysis of the transcript of that case suggests that there are at least 100, and more precisely around 128, separate instances of CSIRO officers providing false evidence in the case.

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7 Responses to “128 lies and counting…”

RSS Feed for Victims of Bullying, Harassment, and Victimisation in the CSIRO Comments RSS Feed

Well, looks like Tribunal already has taken a dim view if the CSIRO management. You can lie but you’ll never get away with it…
It has been going long enough and CSIRO, if it is to be trusted, has to clean up its act. The message to Executives should be: EXIT THIS WAY

A lie repeated 1000 time over becomes the Truth. Its Propaganda. They are yet to master that craft.

Gillard turned a blind eye. Will Rudd be any better or will he turn a blind eye too? If the government wanted to end this they could do so overnight.

The usual way of “ending it” is to attempt to bury it, and when that doesn’t work attempt to “bury” the complainant.

Imagine how much money from the public purse would save by observing their Model Litigant obligations and avoiding unnecessary and unjustified litigation.

It is expected that Kim Carr will be the new (old) Minister responsible for CSIRO. Maybe, while in the wilderness, like Rudd he has ‘changed’

Projection is maintained by compulsive lying…….the art of bullying!

This is Unbelievable. Legal action on “Victims of CSIRO”? Free speech is curtailed within the organization that’s understandable although not right! but trying to intimidate and stifle free speech outside the organization in the public?????????

Criticizing a Government agency or public institution (even if those criticism are not true) is a public right in a free country and a democracy.

They are in fact contravening the constitution. They are not just above the law they are in fact beyond the constitution.

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